About the ABE

Welcome to the ABE!

Van Ditmar Boekenimport is organising the second edition of the Amsterdam Book Event (ABE) on Wednesday 18 September 2024. Invited booksellers are welcome at Pllek on the NSDM wharf in Amsterdam.

What is the Amsterdam Book Event?
The Amsterdam Book Event is all about the English-language book. Eight major British and American publishers are coming to the Netherlands especially for this event to inspire you with the best forthcoming titles from their offerings. In short: the books you should not miss.
In addition to fiction and non-fiction, various art and illustrated titles are also featured - Van Ditmar believes it is important to provide you as a bookseller with broad information.

Retrieved from 18 September involves 9:00 the hall is open and you are welcome for coffee and tea. From 9:30 – 15:30 the publishers present will give a presentation on the books you really should not miss in the coming period. Afterwards, you are more than welcome to join us for drinks and networking. Of course, the coffee break and delicious lunch will also be fully catered for.

View the programme


The publishing houses that have joined the Amsterdam Book Event as partners are not the least of them.

We are proud to have the following publishers presenting their latest titles during the ABE:

  • Bloomsbury
  • Hachette
  • Harper Collins
  • Independent Alliance
  • Pan MacMillan
  • Penguin Random House
  • Simon & Schuster
  • Thames & Hudson

Location: Pllek

Industrial, raw and laidback: Pllek is the ideal location for the Amsterdam Book Event. Located on the historic NDSM wharf on the IJ, with fantastic views of Amsterdam's skyline.
